Mercury goes Retrograde

From 10th of May till 3rd of June 2022 we are moving through another Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and Gemini this time.

>>> Mercury goes Retrograde <<<
This time of the year again, Mercury will be going into Retrograde for a few weeks. From the 10th of May till the 3rd of June, even though keeping in mind that is a pre-shadow already starting.
And the after Shadow will last till the 10th of June.
So close to the Eclipse, this sounds rather exhausting. After our inside has been poked by the energies of a partly Solar Eclipse in Taurus ( Security, Pleasure, Financial Stability) triggering its direct opposite Scorpio ( Letting go, transforming, rebirth), we might feel a bit out of place.
Mercury Retrograde is a time when our minds are just not functioning normally. Some of us might feel the pressure of being in the “normal world” with responsibilities, duties, and rules. Just imagine it like this:
The planets are sending kinds of energy frequencies impacting you and parts of your body, mind, and spirit. When a world goes into Retrograde, this frequency somehow is disturbed.
At times the “message” is not coming through clearly, or people have misunderstandings. Everything that is operating on this frequency for Mercury is Technology such as TV, Mobile Phones, Computers, and anything to do with travel and general logical communication. This means there will be more chaos, disturbances, or unexpected events.
Mercury is associated with our logical mind and how we solve problems. If this ability or frequency is disturbed for a while, it’s just not structured, and things are not running so smoothly.
This can be annoying and affect the whole running of our society and how we function in it. Especially where in the western world, everything is so regulated with time ( 3D). Astrology has its own time; its cycles and rhythms are different than the capitalistic, economic society we live in.
Astrology means back to nature; it means being in tune with yourself and what is going on. It also means to re-align yourself with the rhythm of the cosmic cycles. So when Mercury goes into Retrograde, things are running differently daily; there are more disturbances.
It is good to be aware of this and try to make the best of this time by:
  • rest more
  • remind yourself what is essential in life
  • be very clear in your communication
  • reflect upon old memories of past wounds
  • plan more time when traveling
  • check your car or train times before you set off
  • don’t make long-term promises or sign contracts
  • don’t buy electronic equipment
A Mercury Retrograde allows you to get a bit out of your head into another state of being. Live. Love Laugh. At least this time when Mercury is moving through Taurus and Gemini. It’s considerable growth here.
This Retrograde has significant potential to pay attention to the quality of your coping mechanisms. Are you just putting your head in the sand – hoping it’s over soon, or are you more trying to control everything?
You could also try to meditate more and allow those other Frequencies to come through and attune you to another level of Mercury.
If the logical mind frequency is blocked or disturbed, it is possible to tune into another mental state ( Alpha State – Higher Self), and you will always know what to do.
You will upgrade yourself to operate on another level than the 3D or 3rdHouse Mercury Gemini Frequency.
You won’t believe me unless you try it yourself – from now on, try to take only 15 minutes a day free to allow yourself to tune into this higher state.
Preparing yourself so that the Mercury Retrograde does not affect you because it’s not your frequency. Just sit there, focus on your breathing, intend to attune yourself to the universe, and focus your energy upwards and above your head. With every breath you take, you transport energy from the belly, through the lungs, up to your head, and out of it…This allows you to open that cosmic higher channel. Mercury is your mind, so it is in your head, but a higher frequency lies outside your mind.
Just do this for the next 8 days and see how your life will shift……
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Mercury Retrograde
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